
tongue piercing oral health simplyfloss

Tongue Piercing: Is it the Ultimate Fashion Sta...

So you want to get a tongue piercing? At SimplyFloss we encourage individuals to educate themselves before making decisions so let’s dive into the potential oral impacts! Like anything, there...

Tongue Piercing: Is it the Ultimate Fashion Sta...

So you want to get a tongue piercing? At SimplyFloss we encourage individuals to educate themselves before making decisions so let’s dive into the potential oral impacts! Like anything, there...

Winter Tips for a Healthier Mouth

Winter Tips for a Healthier Mouth

It’s no secret that cold and dry winters can wreak havoc on our skin but did you know that sub-zero temperatures can affect our oral health too? Here are a...

Winter Tips for a Healthier Mouth

It’s no secret that cold and dry winters can wreak havoc on our skin but did you know that sub-zero temperatures can affect our oral health too? Here are a...

The Do’s and (Definitely) Don’ts of Dental DIYs

The Do’s and (Definitely) Don’ts of Dental DIYs

At SimplyFloss, we’re all for trying new things when it comes to our dental hygiene but certain “hacks” popping up on social media have us clenching our teeth in disbelief....

The Do’s and (Definitely) Don’ts of Dental DIYs

At SimplyFloss, we’re all for trying new things when it comes to our dental hygiene but certain “hacks” popping up on social media have us clenching our teeth in disbelief....

Tooth-Friendly Tricks for Making Halloween A Fun and (Cavity-Free) Treat

Tooth-Friendly Tricks for Making Halloween A Fu...

Halloween may look a little different this year, but one thing is for sure: Kids will be digging into their share of sugary snacks come October 31st. Chewy sweets, like caramels...

Tooth-Friendly Tricks for Making Halloween A Fu...

Halloween may look a little different this year, but one thing is for sure: Kids will be digging into their share of sugary snacks come October 31st. Chewy sweets, like caramels...

Some Bad Breath Just Cannot Be Covered Up!

Some Bad Breath Just Cannot Be Covered Up!

If 2020 wasn't challenging enough, a phenomenon known as "mask mouth" is making life a bit more...well...unpleasant. That, combined with fewer trips to the dentist over the last few months, is making...

Some Bad Breath Just Cannot Be Covered Up!

If 2020 wasn't challenging enough, a phenomenon known as "mask mouth" is making life a bit more...well...unpleasant. That, combined with fewer trips to the dentist over the last few months, is making...

Back to School, Back to Hygiene! 4 Tips for Getting Your Family’s Dental Health Back on Track

Back to School, Back to Hygiene! 4 Tips for Get...

The last six months have been anything but routine for families with young kids. Among the biggest changes? The seemingly endless stream of snacks and sweets being consumed either to...

Back to School, Back to Hygiene! 4 Tips for Get...

The last six months have been anything but routine for families with young kids. Among the biggest changes? The seemingly endless stream of snacks and sweets being consumed either to...