About Us

Join Us on Our Journey

As we continue to innovate and grow, we invite you to be a part of our story. With SimplyFloss, floss smarter, not harder, and embrace a new era in oral health.

Welcome to the SimplyFloss family!

Our journey began with a simple yet profound realization.  As dental health enthusiasts, we kept hearing the same comment over and over:

"I wish flossing wasn't so uncomfortable and wasteful!"

This got us thinking:

What about everyone else?

What about the millions of people who struggle with traditional floss, dealing with discomfort, bleeding gums, and environmental concerns?

What about those who are always on the go, looking for a convenient, reusable solution that fits their lifestyle?

Don’t they deserve a better flossing experience?

This journey led us to create SimplyFloss - the first reusable silicone floss designed to be gentle, effective, and eco-friendly.